Frequently asked questions

What makes us an eco-friendly company?
We use a printing technique that uses water-based ink. This printing technique allows us to have superior quality designs while also being mindful of our planet.
What is your return policy?
For returns and refunds, please contact us at our email address: and provide your order number. We will process your request as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can review our refund policy by clicking here. Please know that we will do everything we can to ensure your satisfaction.
What is the shipping time?
It usually takes around 4 - 15 business days.
There may be delays during busy periods (such as holidays and Black Friday).
Are there any fees other than shipping fees?
In theory, there are no import fees on our products, but sometimes the printing factory we use may go through the United States and may incur customs fees. Please note that this happens rarely, but we have no control over it.
What should I do if I never received my order?
We'll take care of it. Please contact us at the following email address:
Where are you located?
We are located in the city of Repentigny, Quebec, Canada.
Do you have any stores that I can visit?
Unfortunately, we do not have any stores at the moment, but perhaps one day!
How can I contact your company if I haven't found an answer to my question?
You can send us an email at or go on our "contact us" page. You can also write to us on one of our social media platforms, and we will be happy to respond!